Thursday, May 6, 2010

2nd Month Results

So things went well today. I have lost a total of 30 pounds! I haven't measure yet to see the total inches lost but I'm feeling good about the 30lbs.

The doctor wants to see me again in 3 months which makes me nervous. I like having the extra pressure for weighing in each month. Maybe I'll join Weight Watchers or something so I have to weigh in regularly.

In other news...

This afternoon I was upset about something and said, "That really pisses me off." Of course Jeff over heard me and said, "What is pissing you off? That pisses me off too." I explained that it was a bad word and he proceeded to say it several more times and then said he was going to write that down because it was his new favorite word. Ugh! I need to start watching my mouth.

Travis & Alan rescued a baby rabbit from the clutches of our cat tonight. It was so cute and Jeff of course wanted to keep it. Travis found a safe place in the woods behind the house and we all hope that the bunny will stay safe. I think he's just big enough to survive on his own.

Travis and his friends are going out tomorrow night to see Iron Man II, Jordan & Paige's Senior Prom is also tomorrow night, Our 11th Wedding Anniversary is Saturday and then Mother's Day is Sunday. Oh and Rob works this weekend. I have a feeling this weekend is going to be chaotic.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Belated Star Wars Day.. I hope May the 4th was with you. :)

Have I mentioned that I'm not an active blogger? lol I just realized how long it's been.

I'm still eating healthy although I'm sad to say I haven't exercised in probably a month. I hurt my back and it's just now starting to feel better again. It's my goal to walk on the treadmill tonight and tomorrow morning. My 2 month weigh in is tomorrow afternoon. It was supposed to be last week but was rescheduled so I guess it's my 2 month 1 week weigh in. I'm crossing my fingers that my scales are weighing the same as the doctor's... I'll let everyone know tomorrow how much I've lost.

In other news... we have planted our first garden! Jeff was so excited and it's become a family project. I'll be sure to post of pics of it later.

Oh, my hardwood flooring is officially down! We went with the Brazilian Teak and it is absolutely beautiful. Now all they have left to redo is my kitchen, bathroom and closet. I am going to be so glad when this is all over with.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Of course....

Rob finally gets a weekend off work and instead of doing something as a family and enjoying the beautiful weather, what happens? I have pulled a muscle in my back and it hurts like a (bleeeeep).

I've tried icy hot patches, a truck load of advil, a heating pad, and even a muscle relaxer last night. The muscle relaxer helped a bit because I did get a few hours of sleep.

So unless something happens within the next hour or so my day is going to be spent on the couch. And I swear if I have to watch Toy Story one more time I may have to pull my hair out! 4x yesterday was enough.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

The scales are lying!

So today was my one month weigh in at the doctor's office. I felt a bit disappointed with myself because I haven't worked out for a week now. I had injured my knee and was giving it a little time to heal. The good news is that it's feeling much better and I am planning to walk on the treadmill tonight.

Anyway... still eating healthy and trying to eat between 1200-1500 calories a day. I wouldn't call what I'm doing "dieting".. it's more like eating healthy and changing my eating habits. I don't deny myself anything.. I just eat it in a smaller portion. If I go to McDonald's I order a Happy Meal (and usually get full before I finish it).

So 1 Month in and I've lost 12 pounds and 4 inches. I was hoping to lose at least 15 but it didn't happen. (although according to my scales I've lost 18lbs) Oh well.. there is always next month. I look forward to weighing in and I almost wish it was every 2 weeks instead of every month.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Throwing out the scales

So I did ok on my diet yesterday... I didn't achieve my daily goals though. I wanted to start the Couch to 5K but I had so much to do that I didn't get time. I did however do 20 minutes of latin dance cardio. That was fun! Jeff even got out there with me to show me how to move my hips. Today I am doing the C to 5K!

I was so excited and couldn't wait to weigh myself again this morning and saw a loss of..... nothing! again! I really need to stop weighing myself everyday.

Anyway.. my total yesterday: 670 Calories, 11 WW points, and 7.75 grams of Fat.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

My House Thanks You

This week I had a doctor appointment and vented out my frustration about not losing weight. I have been religiously counting every calorie that gets near my mouth for the past month and I've only lost 5 pounds!

The doctor smiled sympathetically at me... we've been discussing my weight for the last 10 years so he's heard this song before. Unfortunately because I know the words so well I'm singing it again!

So he gave my a script for diet pills and said he's going to start monitoring my progress for the next 6 months. A discussion of weight loss surgery came up and while that's always been an option in the back of my mind I would really like to try and lose the weight without going under a knife. But in 6 months who knows what I'll think. Counting all these calories is liable to make me crazy by then!

Anyway, he gave me a script for diet pills which I started yesterday. They are wonderful! I have tons of energy and no appetite. By 11am I had half of my house cleaned... that includes getting on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor. It's like my house sings a happy tune when I walk into it now.

By dinner last night I realized I hadn't ate anything so I forced myself to eat a little - I mean I was at Olive Garden! How could you not eat their salad?!?

So my journal for yesterday is as follows:

2 Glasses of Water

1 Diet Coke

1 Small Salad
1 Bread Stick
1/2 Caprese Flatbread (not even sure it was completely half)
2 Diet Cokes

Total: 651 Calories, 19 Weight Watcher Points

I know I should be eating more than that but it was my first day on the diet pills so I'm cutting myself some slack. And FYI.. 5 WW points in 1 salad. yikes!

Goals Today:

Drink 8 Glasses of Water
Eat at least 1,200 calories
Start the Couch to 5K Program

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Halloween Treat Bags

Making Halloween Treat Bags every year brings me so much joy. Yes it would be easier to throw candy in a bowl or go out and buy the cheap throw away treat bags but making my own makes me happy and I hope the kids love them too!

Last year I made these:

And now this year I'm thinking about making the pumpkins. Here is a link and video of Martha Stewart & Faith Hill making a few different treat bags.

Let me know if you'll be making your own too!